Christmas greetings!

Commission News & Views
with Anne Tolley

It’s that time of year when so many of us are consumed by pre-Christmas tasks and responsibilities that ‘just have to get done’ before the holidays. If that’s where you’re currently sitting, you have my commiserations!

More importantly though, I’d like to wish all Weekend Sun readers a very merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous New Year.

Looking back, 2023 has certainly had its challenges with both the cost-of-living crisis and higher mortgage interest rates impacting may people. Similar conditions look like prevailing through at least the first half of 2024, although there are encouraging signs inflation at least is being brought under control.

And of course, Covid is still with us and may always be, in one of its ever-mutating forms. The pandemic’s impacts have certainly become less intrusive through this year though, as we’ve learned to live with and work around it. I trust that will continue and add my best wishes for a healthy 2024 to the season’s greetings above.

Submit to the LTP

From Tauranga City Council’s perspective, there are a couple of reminders I’d like to highlight. First is to consider making a submission to the council’s draft 2024-34 Long Term Plan. Submissions close December 15. While this is very much a ‘steady as she goes’ plan, we’d like as much feedback as possible on the options outlined, including the concept of using variable road pricing as an alternate way to fund our transport needs, ease congestion and enable faster journeys on our main highways.

Election July 2024

And finally, we have an election to look forward to when the Commission’s tenure comes to an end in July 2024. We definitely don’t want to go back to the dysfunctional governance that blighted recent elected councils, so if you think you could make a difference, please consider putting yourself forward as a candidate.

We have an information evening planned early next year – at the Holy Trinity Church, Devonport Rd, from 4pm-8pm Monday, February 19 – where a range of former councilllors, city partners and the Commissioners will talk about what a council role is like, how council works and the qualities of good governance. The Electoral Officer will also provide an overview of the nomination and election processes for those looking to stand. For further information, email

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