Teens take on Queen production

Yanni Corsame as ‘Killer Queen’ and Jack Kilfoil as ‘Khashoggi’ in costume ahead of their schools’ production ‘We Will Rock You’. Photo: supplied.


About 75 students from two Tauranga colleges have been polishing their acting skills and voices, their hair and makeup talents, and learning the ropes backstage ahead of their combined production this month.

Tauranga Boys’ and Tauranga Girls’ colleges have a combined 75 students from Years 9-13 involved in the joint production of the Queen musical ‘We Will Rock You’, which premieres next Tuesday, June 25, at 7pm.

The students will run the lights, sound, backstage, do the hair and makeup and perform as actors in the production, which runs from June 25-29. Even the band is made entirely of youngsters.

Year 13 Tauranga Boys’ College student Jack Kilfoil says everyone has been rehearsing for three months – and now it’s nearly showtime they’re very excited to perform the dynamic musical.

Jack, who was recently part of the dance group that placed second at the Super 8 Arts festival, plays Khashoggi in the Ben Elton musical.

“I was pretty stoked to get this role,” says Jack. “I’ve been a big fan of Queen since primary school and went to see them perform with Adam Lambert a few years ago.

“Freddie Mercury’s range was incredible, so it’s been a challenge getting to those notes but a great experience working with a vocal coach.”

Tauranga Girls’ College Year 12 student Yanni Corsame will be strutting the stage in platform high heels as evil genius Killer Queen. “I’ve been singing all my life. Music is in our family and my mum is a singer.

“I grew up in the Philippines doing musical theatre and started opera last year. The type of singing in this production is a lot of belting and growling with more chest resonance than I’m used to.”

Yanni is thrilled to play the quirky half-cyborg character. “I’m the shortest person on the cast, so there’s heaps of tension leading up to me walking on stage and then Killer Queen comes out and I’m just tiny,” she laughs.

“My character’s pure evil. She’s basically trying to eliminate all the music and all the fun from the world and wants to kill everyone. It’s a lot of fun. I just love the whole cast and the director.”

Audiences will enjoy the chance to sing along with classics like ‘It’s a Kind of Magic’.

“The music is insane, there’s a live band and everything’s cranking,” says Jack. “The vocals are amazing, it’s a wicked set and a decent storyline with loads of crowd interaction.”

The joint TBC and TGC production ‘We Will Rock You’ by Queen and Ben Elton runs from June 25-29 at Graham Young Youth Theatre. Book tickets online at: www.tbc.school.nz

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